Saturday, November 29, 2008


The Tuesday before Thanksgiving my church always has a Thanksgiving service where we eat, sing, and hear a wonderful message. This year's service was one I will never forget. I was asked to sing and as I got up before the church and started my song I saw Isaac standing up with his little hands raised up to heaven, his head bowed, and his eyes closed. It took everything in my to keep it together and with God's help I made it through. When I got down and went to sit with Isaac I said.....

Me: "Isaac, were to praising God?"

Isaac: "Yes, I was just thanking him for you because I love you so much."

Me: "Do you know what that means when you raise your hands like that to God?"

Isaac: "Yes, it means that I love him and I want him to be proud of me."

I could not have asked for more than that. It was truely one of those moments that will be with me forever. Not as much for him expressing his love for me, but his love for God. I pray he always has a desire to praise our Lord.
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Sherry said...

I stinkin love that!!!! I have something for you on my blogola!

momx2 said...

What a sweet, sweet boy.

Sherry said...

You just had to shame me, huh?? Go look at my blog...

You... you... butt.

McKt said...

How precious! I cannot wait for moments like those. It is what this mommy thing is all about!

God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!