Thursday, June 5, 2008

I miss my man!

Okay, so this is day 5 without Phillip and I am going nuts! You never realize how much you need someone until they are not with you. Tomorrow will be the longest we have been apart since we got married. I confess, there are those days when I am like get out of my face, but right now nothing seems right with him gone. You all know I cannot sleep without him here and I just miss seeing his stupid face. The house is too quiet, he always comes in after work and riles the children up by running around crazy and rolling in the floor with them.

He will be back on Saturday and I can't wait to give him a big smooch and fall asleep without the children and I locked in by bedroom with my home phone, cell phone, and gun in the cloest!

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God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!