Friday, June 13, 2008

Help me make it through the night.....

So, tonight is our last day of VBS and tomorrow starts our Family Vacation/Isaac's B-day week! We leave in the morning for Atalanta for a Birthday trip to Six Flags and then leave bright and early Sunday morning for the beach! This trip could not have come at a more perfect time. My past couple of weeks have been really tough and I want nothing more right now than to just have some family time and focus on some fun wtih my babies and Phillip. I can't wait to see Isaac's face when he sees all of the huge roller coasters and Avri being sure to point out every snack vendor. I am also thrilled at the thought of us all having a week to play on the beach with no distractions and having Daddy all day and all night is always a treat. Please pray for safe travels and we will see you when we get back!!!!

1 comment:

momx2 said...

Ya'll have fun and be careful. Do you ride roller coasters? Cmon back lookin' like a Malibu Barbie.

God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!