So last night I had a fabulous night out with my friends. We went to eat at a fancy Mexican restaurant (forgot the name) and I had some awesome fish tacos! Then, we headed off to Ann Taylor Loft for a VIP discount shopping trip. Then ended the night with our famous late night chat session at Devon's.
Let me start by saying, I still feel 16..... yet my friends informed me that I sometimes still dress like I am 16 also. I did not take it as negative comment because I am still young and fresh and all those wonderful things that I am hanging on to for dear life, but I have always wondered.... is it time to leave the juniors department behind???
So, with the help of my 5 girls, I began my new "grown up" wardrobe and I actually like it! It is not as frumpy as I had always imagined the dreaded "women's department" to be. I got some really cute tops for this spring, some REALLY cute jeans that fit great, and some fancy flip flops. It did not hurt that it was a 35% off discount! So now, my new favorite store is Ann Taylor Loft and no longer Forever 21. Now, if you see the occasional slightly too short sun dress, something involving a pattern of sequins, or even a Hannah Montana tee, please understand this is a process and I am taking baby steps. Sniff, sniff.... she's growing up..... well I'll never grown "all the way" up :)
Thanks Girls! I had a great night!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
This "Stay at Home Mom" thing is no joke.
So, I have officially "quit" my job and it is not all it is cracked up to be. Although, I cannot tell you the stress relief I am feeling by not having to type constantly and having to tell my children, "hang on a second" 30 times a day, it comes with more responsibility. When I was working Phillip helped out with probably 80% of the house work and 30% of the kid work and now that I am not working it is all pretty much on me. Don't get me wrong, I totally feel that if I am not working it should be my responsibility to most of the house work, but it is alot more than I anticipated. I now realize just how much Phillip was helping out and I MISS IT! He still helps, don't let me make him look like he just lays on the couch, but you know what I mean. It is just a transition and my ORGANIZED friends...Angelle..... will have to help me out some!
Although this I am struggling a bit, we all know I am not the most organized in the world, I am so blessed. I remember thinking, not to long ago, that this would never be a possibility and I wanted so badly to be able to focus on my family for a change. In no time, God opened doors for Phillip and gave us this Huge blessing. My God never ceases to amaze me. There are days when the nerves get me and I think "Can we really afford this", but I just stand on his promises. He tells us " I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread" Psalms 37:25. Sometimes, I am just amazed at where he brought us from and I know we are so undeserving.
Although this I am struggling a bit, we all know I am not the most organized in the world, I am so blessed. I remember thinking, not to long ago, that this would never be a possibility and I wanted so badly to be able to focus on my family for a change. In no time, God opened doors for Phillip and gave us this Huge blessing. My God never ceases to amaze me. There are days when the nerves get me and I think "Can we really afford this", but I just stand on his promises. He tells us " I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread" Psalms 37:25. Sometimes, I am just amazed at where he brought us from and I know we are so undeserving.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Time with an old friend!!!!

Okay, when I say "old friend", I mean a friend I have known for a long time, not that she is old. She will kill me.
So, today my good friend Marie came down from Hartselle to visit with me and have a good ol' fashion girls day. We did the usual catch up chat for an hour then hit some of my favorite shopping spots and had a bite to eat. It was definitely not long enough, but I was so glad to get a chance to spend some time with her and her daughter Maggie. I had to giggle since Avri and Maggie looked like a small version of us running around and having a ball. I charged my camera up to take pictures, but of course I forgot all about it! The picture posted is SOOO old! We are the two on the ends.
It is hard to believe that we have been friends for over eight years! We have shared so many wonderful and not so wonderful times together and I count myself blessed to have her in my life. Just to show how much I love her..... I drive the interstate to go visit her!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! I will warn you all to stay off the interstate when I plan my next visit to see her!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Smart mouth
First let me say, I love my daughter dearly! She is a little version of me which I love, but the girl has a mouth on her. She is killing me. I had no idea that at three she would be saying things like "You don't tell me what to do" or "I am the boss". What am I going to do when she hits the teenage years if it is like this now??
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
You're Gonna Miss This

So as most of you know I am addicted to music, mostly country music, and this song comes on the radio today that really hits me. It called "You're Gonna Miss This" and it rang so true. It starts out talking about a little girl wanting to grow up to fast and then by the end she is a mother herself. It just brought me back to all those times my mother would say those exact words to me. "Slow down, I swear you will miss this one day". Of course being a child I could never imagine missing not being able to do what I wanted, but as she always was, she was right. I do miss those carefree days and now as a mother I know how much she must miss sharing those days with me. The same way I look at Isaac and Avri and want to just stop time. Those smiles and hugs and laughs that one day will turn to embarressed looks, rolling eyes, and mumbles down to the hallway. There is just something about children at this age. I mean Isaac still blows me kisses every morning when he gets out at carpool and waves franticly in the afternoons when he sees my car. Avri would love nothing more than to be just like me (hard to imagine for others I am sure), but right now I am perfect in her eyes. We should really savor it because we are going to miss it one day.
I know as mothers we get so dragged down with the screaming, the crying, those not so great days, but even those are things we will miss one day. They are such gifts from God. I know how much I love them and I know it is only a fraction of how much God loves us. Can you imagine?
Here is the link to listen to the song.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I am not ashamed of the gospel
I AM SOOOO SICK of people trying to make me ashamed of being a Christian. I LOVE GOD! I AM A CHRISTIAN! I said it. I don't know what it is so offensive to stand up for what the Word of God teaches us. Bending on and breaking on the teachings of the Bible is what has gotten us to the places we are now. I mean come on the Bible is not a multiple choice. All of the rules apply. Are we perfect as Christians?? Absolutely not, but we war against our flesh daily to try to follow after his example. We are human, but God is my creator, my Father, my redeemer and I want to be pleasing in his eyes and not in another human's eyes. I read Matthew24: 1-14 and it just reminds me that as a Christian I will be hated, I will offend, but it is worth it all if one soul can be saved. Lord, I am nothing without you. Please help to remind me daily.
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