So as most of you know I am addicted to music, mostly country music, and this song comes on the radio today that really hits me. It called "You're Gonna Miss This" and it rang so true. It starts out talking about a little girl wanting to grow up to fast and then by the end she is a mother herself. It just brought me back to all those times my mother would say those exact words to me. "Slow down, I swear you will miss this one day". Of course being a child I could never imagine missing not being able to do what I wanted, but as she always was, she was right. I do miss those carefree days and now as a mother I know how much she must miss sharing those days with me. The same way I look at Isaac and Avri and want to just stop time. Those smiles and hugs and laughs that one day will turn to embarressed looks, rolling eyes, and mumbles down to the hallway. There is just something about children at this age. I mean Isaac still blows me kisses every morning when he gets out at carpool and waves franticly in the afternoons when he sees my car. Avri would love nothing more than to be just like me (hard to imagine for others I am sure), but right now I am perfect in her eyes. We should really savor it because we are going to miss it one day.
I know as mothers we get so dragged down with the screaming, the crying, those not so great days, but even those are things we will miss one day. They are such gifts from God. I know how much I love them and I know it is only a fraction of how much God loves us. Can you imagine?
Here is the link to listen to the song.
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