Saturday, August 2, 2008

I am officially cool!

Thursday night, my man surprised me with my Iphone. I am in love! I use to make fun of everybody who had an Iphone (out of jealousy of course), but now I am just as much of a dork and I cannot stop playing with the thing. Now a delima, what pattern Vera tech case to get??

1 comment:

Michelle and Jason said...

Yes, you are a dork, and I'm only saying that because I'm TOTALLY jealous of your new toy! But, you deserve it, so that makes me very happy! You guys will have to show me how it works so that when I get mine (ha ha), I'll be ready to sport it in style! And, I'm sure Lacy will be more than happy to help you pick out the perfect Vera case - I'd go with the new Puccini pattern! I love it!

God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!