Thursday, August 21, 2008

Avri's first day of 4-K

UGH, here goes another one. I am just starting to get use to the idea of my baby boy growing up and becoming his own little man and now my little baby is off to preschool! It seems like only yesterday she was just taking her first steps and now she is strutting down the drive way, hopping in my car, and saying "hurry up mom!" In my heart I am screaming, "slow down!" She amazes me every day. She is sweet, funny, sassy, crazy, giving, selfish, everything rolled into one and she is mine, almost seems ridiculous when I think I am somebody's mother, but everybody is still alive and well so far. So here are pics of my baby on her first day... The teacher said she was quiet as a mouse and very sweet, I think she knows which one is Avri, not sure:)


momx2 said...

She looks too cute. Glad she is liking it!

McKt said...

She looks so happy! I think about how crazy it is that the kids are around all the time. I'll just look up and say, where did these kids come from? It looks like you are doing a pretty good job, beyond just the being alive part! :)

The Keoughs said...

She looks like sucha big girl!!!

jennyhope said...

girl she is so adorable...just don't go crazy on buying those!!
morgans first day for 3 year old preschool was today. I almost cried. It goes by so fast!!

God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!