I was sent this in an email today. It has been sent to me so many times over the past 6 years and I just wanted to share it. I am not sure if any special needs moms read this blog, but if so I hope you find it as comforting to you as it has been to me. When I read this I feel such a since of pride. It makes me wonder what exactly God saw in me to give me my wonderful gift. I always say that is one of the first questions I will have for him when I get to heaven:) Isaac is so blessed, 100's on both of his tests today!!!! I am busting with pride. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord, you are so good!!!!
Ode to Special Moms:
Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by socialpressures and a couple by habit.This year, nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children.Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen?Somehow I visualize God hovering over Earth selecting his instruments forpropagation with great care and deliberation. As he observes, he instructshis angels to make notes in a giant ledger."Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint, Matthew. Forrest, Marjorie, daughter,patron saint, Cecilia."Rudledge, Carrie, twins, patron saint, give her Gerard. He's used toprofanity."Finally, he passes a name to an angel and smiles, "Give her a handicappedchild."The angel is curious. "Why this one, God? She's so happy.""Exactly," says God. "Could I give a handicapped child to a mother who doesnot know laughter? That would be cruel.""But has she patience?" asks the angel."I don't want her to have too much patience or she will drown in a sea ofself-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'llhandle it."I watched her today. She has that feeling of self and independence that isso rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to giveher has his own world. She has to make it live in her world, and that's notgoing to be easy.""But, Lord, I don't think she even believes in you."God smiles. "No matter. I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has justenough selfishness."The angel gasps, "Selfishness? Is that a virtue?"God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally,she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a childless than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied.She will never take for granted a 'spoken word.' She will never consider a'step' ordinary. When her child says 'Momma' for the first time, she willbe present at a miracle and know it! When she describes a tree or a sunsetto her blind child, she will see it as few people ever see my creations."I will permit her to see clearly the things I see . . . ignorance,cruelty, prejudice . . . and allow her to rise above them. She will neverbe alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life,because she is doing my work as surely as she is here by my side.""And what about her patron saint?" asks the angel, pen poised midair.God smiles. "A mirror will suffice."-
Erma Bombeck, May, 1980
Ps. That is the month and year I was born, I think that is so cool!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Avri's first day of 4-K

UGH, here goes another one. I am just starting to get use to the idea of my baby boy growing up and becoming his own little man and now my little baby is off to preschool! It seems like only yesterday she was just taking her first steps and now she is strutting down the drive way, hopping in my car, and saying "hurry up mom!" In my heart I am screaming, "slow down!" She amazes me every day. She is sweet, funny, sassy, crazy, giving, selfish, everything rolled into one and she is mine, almost seems ridiculous when I think I am somebody's mother, but everybody is still alive and well so far. So here are pics of my baby on her first day... The teacher said she was quiet as a mouse and very sweet, I think she knows which one is Avri, not sure:)
Friday, August 8, 2008
A moment with my Daddy.
Today, I shared one of those precious moments between father and daughter.......watching him be tattooed, it runs in the family! Okay, so my dad had this playboy bunny tattoo on his arm that he did himself while he was drunk and in the Navy. I can remember since I was little him talking about getting it covered up, but he just never seemed to get around to it. For Father's Day my sister and I got him a gift certificate to Tattoo Jungle and today he finally got around to getting it done. It was so funny to see him sitting there. He kept saying "This hurts more than I remember, of course I was drunk and using a sewing needle so I could take my time." He ended up covering it up with praying hands and the bible verse "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thes. 5:17). He was telling the tattoo guy about my tattoos and that he was sure I would be back to see them soon. It was hilarious!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
First day of 3rd grade and first day of Intermediate School

You would think since Isaac has been going to school full time since the age of 3, this would get easier, but it doesn't. Now it is even harder. A new school, new responsibilities, and a newfound independance makes it all the more scarier for me. Of course I quized him 30 times on his teachers name and making him give me step by step instructions on how to get to his classroom. Isaac on the other hand was calm as a cucumber and thankfully alsmost seemed excited, for as excited as Isaac gets. The last two weeks he has been really nervous, saying it was going to be hard and he would not like it, but after seeing some familiar faces in his class at orientation he seems ready to face the world. As he got out of the car this morning I asked if he was okay and with a very serious face said "I got this." I am so proud of him I can't stand it. He is absolutely a miracle. I love you Isaac and have a great first day!!!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So, with school creeping up, I thought it would be fun to have one last summer party before we were all heading in different directions. Isaac was so not down this a bunch of girls running all over the house, so he went to spend a guys night out with my Dad. SO, it turned into a girls slumber party. We had an awsome time. We ate pizza, played The Newly Friends game (like newly wed), ate junk food, talked, laughed and had a ball. The kids also had a blast, they ran wild and tore the house apart, but it was so worth it. Lacy ordered us all matching PJs because we are dorks and the kids got in on the action too. Even the baby boys were dressed in thier pj party duds. Thanks to my girls for such an awsome night!!!!! The night owl award is a tie between Avery and Kathleen who had to finally be seperated come midnight, they had tons to catch up on since not seeing eachother for like a day:) The drama award goes to the Copenhaver girls for most tears shed and the Brat award goes to my darling daughter (Big) Avri for just having a brat attack in the middle of the night. Finally, Davis and Ian go home with best looking babies in uniform. They are all a mess and Avri and I loved spending our night with all of you!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I am officially cool!
Thursday night, my man surprised me with my Iphone. I am in love! I use to make fun of everybody who had an Iphone (out of jealousy of course), but now I am just as much of a dork and I cannot stop playing with the thing. Now a delima, what pattern Vera tech case to get??
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