Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is he trying to tell me something???

So, I am in the living room last night listening carefully to Isaac reading his worksheet sentences aloud to himself and then correcting them. I was so pleased that he had not yet called out "Mom, I need your help" and was breezing through the problems. Then I heard him say alound the next sentance......"My shirt is wrinkled." I waited to hear which letters needed to be capitalized or if there was a period or question mark and I hear him say..........." Wow, like that is a big shock!" Ouch, Angelle I may need some ironing lessons.


BlessedMom said...

Ha!! My boys will be lucky to even know what an iron is! :)

Sherry said...


Sherry said...

Thanks for making me cry!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!