Thursday, January 15, 2009
Is he trying to tell me something???
So, I am in the living room last night listening carefully to Isaac reading his worksheet sentences aloud to himself and then correcting them. I was so pleased that he had not yet called out "Mom, I need your help" and was breezing through the problems. Then I heard him say alound the next sentance......"My shirt is wrinkled." I waited to hear which letters needed to be capitalized or if there was a period or question mark and I hear him say..........." Wow, like that is a big shock!" Ouch, Angelle I may need some ironing lessons.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Christmas 2008
Eversince I got married Christmas Eve has always been shared with my parents. My sister and our families pack up our bags and spend Christmas Eve night with my parents. We all spend the night and wake up to Santa and breakfast the next morning. Each year before we begin tearing into our gifts, my Dad reads us the Christmas Story and we remind ourselves what an important day this symbolizes, the birth of our Savior. We exchange gifts and spend the rest of the night sharing memories, watching movies, and just enjoying our time together. It is a tradition that I cherish and look forward to every year. Oh, and this year we added DreamLand ribs to the mix!!! I am so blessed!
Christmas breakfast and coal for the bad boys!
Every Christmas morning we wake up to the smell of eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage, get the picture, all prepared by my husband. It has become a tradition and he always makes a delcious feast for us all. This Christmas was no different, although Isaac did have a special treat for his dad and uncle Bobby. He pulled a prank on them and gave them a bag full of coal from Santa. My sister helped him to devise this scheme and it worked perfectly. Isaac got such a kick out of it and so did we!
Thanks Daddy!
Isaac recieved this Lego 4 million peice Spiderman set for Christmas. Of course he needed to have it assembeled as soon as we returned home from my mother's house. Even though he had been up the whole night before and early that morning cooking my whole family breakfast, my sweet husband spent the next almost 3 hours constructing the spiderman city for him. Didn't he do an awsome job!!! Thanks Daddy!
Is there a doctor in the house?
After caring for kitty and elephant all day Avri and Mark decided it was time for thier check up! They took turns being nurses and doctors and at one point decided to both be nurses so I was asked to fill in as physician. It was very cute. Mark wrapped the blood pressure cuff around the elephant trunk and Avri listened for the kitty heartbeat on it's butt. If either of them ends up in medical school let's hope they have cleared those issues up:)
Tea for 2!
Avri has had this tea set for probably about two years and never wanted to play with it. When Lily came over and said she was ready to play tea party Avri jumped right into the role of "tea hostess" It is amazing what you can get kids to eat when you are pretending they are crumpets. They ate like 4 boxes of raisens! It was very cute and lots of fun!
Goofy girls..
Since Isaac decided to swallow a battery on the night that Sherry and I were suppose to go out to exchance Christmas gifts, we gave it a second shot and had a girls night out to Stix! YUMMMMM! We had such a fun time eating delicious food, messing with the waiter (all Sherry) and ending the night with some awsome clearance shopping. Had Sherry not ignored me as I choked on a peice of rice the evening would have been perfect;) What are friends for?
A work of art!
Last year, a local artist by the name of Mike Wooten asked Isaac to pose for a series of childrens paintings that he was doing. We agreed and thought it would be fun to see a painting of our little "work of art". When he was done with the painting, I was just floored. It is amazing what this man can do with his hands, what a talent! After he used it for a gallery showing, he was kind enough to give us the painting. I will cherish it forever!!!
My little baker
Avri got this baking set for Christmas and could not wait to make some cookies for her Daddy and brother. She did a great job and they tasted delicious. I am going to show her these pictures in about 20 years when she calls me complaining about having to cook for her family:)
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God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!