As most of you know, Isaac is a very literal thinker. You say Homework. That means you have to do it at home, you get the picture. So, he had this worksheet to do for school that asked him to decide whether each sentance was a good choice or a bad choice. One of the sentances said "Taking a bath", He immediately responded "Bad choice." I laughed thinking this was because he figured baths takes up to much of his precious time. I asked him whey he thought that would be a bad choice and he responds... Taking means stealing and I would never steal someone's bath. What more can I say, that is classic Isaac.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
So girly

Avri is just about the girlest girl I know. She is always wanting to put on make up, fix her hair, pick out her own outfits. It is really cute most days, but on those busy days it can drive you a little crazy. Last night after her bath she said, "Mamma, lets put my hair in a towel like you, won't that be PERFECT?" So, that is what we did. We put up out hair in towels, painted toenails, and had a little spa day of our own. It was really fun and she looked just so cute. We had to use a dishtowl so that it would fit her tiny little head.
Head over heels
Monday, December 3, 2007
Drum rolll please.....

Okay, lots of you have been asking.... so here are some pics. We are still under construction, but it is really starting to look like a kitchen. We are awaiting some molding on the cabinets, some trim, and a backsplash and we will be ready!
I am sooo excited. You cannot fully understand the beauty of a functional kitchen until you have been without it for .... oh, two years?!?!
Tell me what ya think!
I love a parade!
This year Avri and I participated in the Annual Alabaster Christmas Parade with MOMS Club. We had a great time. Avri LOVED throwing candy to all of the kids and singing Christmas carols. Although we ran out of candy half way through, we filled the streets with our beautiful voices by singing christmas songs we only knew half of the words to. My favorite was the 12 days of Christmas, I believe we made it to 5 before we started making up our own words!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Finally, I see some progress!

So, as most of you know I have the Ugliest kitchen in America. No cabinet doors, stained and ripped vinyl flooring, HORRIBLE wall paper, you get the picture. Well, Thanks for God and the Home Depo, we have finally started a remodeling project. Up until today it has been just getting rid of the old, but finally I am starting to see some new. TILE! Oh glorious tile, how I love it. It is just one row, but I think I almost peed myself when I saw it. My Daddy has been helping us every night and poor Phillip has been nonstop after work everyday. Poor thing and he has a broken foot. I will update as we progress!!!
Happy Halloween

What a great night! Although Isaac decided to head home after the first couple of houses, he eventually got his courage back up and came back out to finish up the night. Avri, however, was not swayed. She was a trick-or-treating pro! Even after an encounter with a life sized vampire she turns to me and says "It is only pretend mamma!" It was priceless to see them both running from house to house, Avri providing Isaac with some much needed prompting, and hand in hand the whole way through. They were so excited about the "TON" of candy they got and pooped when we got home. My mom came along for the ride which was very helpful. Thanks mom!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Nine years and holding.....

So nine years ago today, I said "I do" and life has been nonstop eversince. Phillip and I married when I was 18 and he was 19, just babies and fresh out of high school. I look back now and think of how much easier our life would have been had we waited, but that only reminds me that those hard times are what made us who we are. The day that we got married we literally had 15 dollars in the bank and an apartment that we had no idea how we would pay for. Yet by the grace of God we have always found our way. I like to say that I "raised" Phillip, but honestly we raised eachother. We learned how to do all of the grown up things together and were there for eachother when we failed. I know a lot of people out there do not quite understand our relationship and how it works, we pick at eachother constantly, we always disagree, and we are the butts of eachothers jokes, but we are truely the only people in the world who get eachother and would lay down our lives for each other without a thought.
I proud to call him my husband and thankful for this life God has blessed up with. It is messy, it is loud, it is always on the edge of disaster, but it is ours! I love you grand-daddy long legs.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Like Mother like Daughter

We had a great MNO event called "Mamma Says", we all brought our moms and shared old stories, food, and lots of laughs. It was so sweet to read some of the things that my mom wrote about me. She truely is the person who loves me most in the whole world. She is my biggest fan and truely sees no flaw when it comes to me, which I know is amazing. Now, having kids of my own, I can truely start to understand how she feels about me and feel so blessed to have her.
She is not your typical June Cleaver and I am glad because that is no fun! She is my momma and I would not trade her for any other in this world!
Well, my friend Devon has finally made the leap into the world of transcription! I am super proud of her and glad that she is getting a chance to work with my company. She has worked really hard to finish up school early and is overcoming her fear of the dreaded ESL (English as a second language) doctor! I wish her all the luck in the world and am currently on call for a minor breakdown!
PS Greg, don't be taking all her new dough, we need that money for girls nights out!
America's Next Top Toddler!
My little scholar!

I am just overwhelmed with what a great year this has been for Isaac. It started out rocky, but has quickly turned around! He has yet to make less than 100 on his spelling tests, which are pretty hard might I add with words like glisten, predict, and frightening. He had some trouble in the beginning with correcting grammar in the sentences, but today brought home at 95! I am just so proud of him I cannot stand it!
Keep up the good work baby, somebody has to pay for mamma's future remodeling plans!
Keep up the good work baby, somebody has to pay for mamma's future remodeling plans!
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Avri has started dance this year and after one class she is hooked. She loved getting dressed up and jumps right into class. She loves pink, so her leotard is a perfect fit for her. I am excited to see her in her first performance. She will get to do the Nutcracker at Christmas and an end of the year recital, it will be sooo cute!
LIke a fish out of water
So we went to the Lake with our friends the Copenhavers, Gannuscios, and Bissots and had a GREAT TIME! I loved that the kids got to play together, the boys got to know eachother better, and the girls do what we always do "chat it up". The only problem is that I am terrified of any body of water containing live creatures. I attempted several times to get into the lake, but only managed to make it a couple inches before screaming back to shore. My friends, always supportive, laughed and taunted me from the water and shore. Thankfully I found my refuge in a little boat and got some time in the water.
We ate, laughed, played games, pulled our hair out, and loved every minute of it! Thanks Bissots for inviting us and thank you to Greg's mom and dad for having us!
Friday, August 17, 2007
First day of School!

Well here he is.... my 2nd grader! Ain't he cute! I cannot believe this baby is already reading, writting, doing math, and it is to fast! I really understand when people say they wish they could freeze time. This 7 years have flown bye and I don't even know where it went. Just think another go around and he will be 14!!! HELP! I cannot handle it!
I am so proud of him! He had come so far!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye Bye Barney!
Gatlinburg!!! Yes, I am finally catching up my blog!

Well eons and eons ago, actually about three weeks, we took our church youth group to Gatlinburg. They are a great bunch of kids and we had the best time! My kids tagged along as grandmomma and Papa are worn out from our other trip. We went to the Dixie Stampeed where we go to be involved in the show and Dollywood which sounds cheesy, but was really lots of fun!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Jen-ny (Forest Gump)

Jen-ny!!!! Well my gal Jenny G is leaving us today for 10 days! I am going to miss having my IM go off 40 times a day and hanging with her and the kids. If you are reading this and don't know Jenny, she is one of a kind. A little sweet, a little sour, a little sassy, that pretty much sums her up. She is going to kill me, but I had to post these pics with this blog. The first picture is Jenny on the way back from the pumpkin patch after a couple rounds with Victoria (her daughter) and the second is what Vicotria thought about it. It is too funny, I could not resist. Have fun at the beach Jenny! We will miss you!!!!!!
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