Thursday, September 25, 2008

Its Fall Ya'll!

So my buddies have been posting about fall and it has gotten me in the mood too! Fall has to be my favorite season of all. I cannot get enough of the smell of pumpkin and cinnamon, I look great in orange, and best of all the food holidays are coming up! Also, nothing brings back the memories of my childhood like burning leaves. When I was a kid everybody burned thier leaves and I can remember riding my bike down the street and the smoky smell was all in the air. I knew it would not be long until we were trick or treating, having turkey, and opening Christmas gifts. It seemed like my mother was always wraking our leaves and that meant I got to play in them. SHe would always wrake a special pile free of sticks for me to jump around in. Now, I don't really rake our leaves like I should, but I always pile some up for the kids to play in and they love it as much as I did!

This fall I am really looking forward to a lot of fun activities with my friends and family. The girls and I have already planned out some get togethers for us and the kids, swapped holiday names, and planned a nice weekend away, what more could you ask for??

PS.... I am always happy to recieve a friendly loaf of pumpkin bread this time of year, so just leave it on my porch!!

1 comment:

momx2 said...

Misty. You cannot talk about things like burning leaves unless its with me. Certain friends (i.e. Mt.Brook people) may think you are a little redneck. I totally understand, not only did we burn leaves, we burned garbage.
Yep, Im country. Thats how I roll.

God has blessed us with such a wonderful life and I want to share it with you!