So nine years ago today, I said "I do" and life has been nonstop eversince. Phillip and I married when I was 18 and he was 19, just babies and fresh out of high school. I look back now and think of how much easier our life would have been had we waited, but that only reminds me that those hard times are what made us who we are. The day that we got married we literally had 15 dollars in the bank and an apartment that we had no idea how we would pay for. Yet by the grace of God we have always found our way. I like to say that I "raised" Phillip, but honestly we raised eachother. We learned how to do all of the grown up things together and were there for eachother when we failed. I know a lot of people out there do not quite understand our relationship and how it works, we pick at eachother constantly, we always disagree, and we are the butts of eachothers jokes, but we are truely the only people in the world who get eachother and would lay down our lives for each other without a thought.
I proud to call him my husband and thankful for this life God has blessed up with. It is messy, it is loud, it is always on the edge of disaster, but it is ours! I love you grand-daddy long legs.